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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

god fellas "last month vs feb-mei"

3 January 2011 hello and salam satu Malaysia…, this is hasnan and this is my story.

Aduss! That really hurt!! Oh my god that really-really hurts so much. I can’t sleep and my head is like want to pull it from my mouth. I can’t handle this one. Really damn! I wish I could pull it my self this time. But it to hard and I’m not doctor. I came up with my dad and my mom help. And it’s work? Yeah a little bit je lo… I think I can’t handle it for tonight, and I think I can’t sleep either this night. But I will try my best and I want to eat some penadol and some other medicine.

That is what happened last month.

Last January became the worst New Year ever that I ever had in my life. Screw you. I hope it doesn’t happen anymore. But something else is interrupt me this Chinese new year. The second day I went to the school for my practical for my graduation in degree I screw this one. I have to teach the only 2 subject for this 4 month. Unfortunately I have to teach the sucker subject ever I had in PMR. Mathematics??? Can you believe it, I have to teach my poor subject in my PMR. I only get beauty “D” for this subject. Ha3 but I tell to myself that I can do it better then ever before. I do really concern about this issue.

I don’t care about the past; I’m only care about the future and I don’t want to know what people think even either. Well this is my story.


LuMos mAXimA said...

math? hurm...Lyn pon doa jgn diberikan subjek 2 cz i know my limit...but nan, do da best k..

adek_nan said...

TQ coz believing me....hahaha

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