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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Updating and Upcoming CooL stuff

How the weather?
whether your day is Rain or Hot and even too cold... Hopefully we enjoy our day.

Here the story~ i tell you guys about the previous post  just click on this link = not the worst planner

After a few day's a few week and a few angin sepoi-sepoi meniup... yes!! I got it!!!! yes I Got the good News for my second Observation~~~ alhamdulillah.

My heart beets faster then ever before when ever i get this paper (kertas penilaian). And Now I decides to take this Good News as a Challenge. To make me more and more hard working guys from before. 

...and also I just want to improve my skills and my life style...
( just perasan with my self )

For Those who still don't know what kind work that I'm doing and my work??? let me tell you all here....

I'm just adeknan the cutes one... hahaha (perasan nak mampos!!!)
and Adeknan is one of the many UPSI students who dying want to grade this year and  struggle to get the best result on this last semester (Latihan mengajar)

May be i need this instruction after this lar... ngeeeeeeee

but what ever it is~ bebaloi jugak dengan apa yang adeknan tangung selama ni.. tahap ketensionan dan ketekanan adeknan pada tahap paling kelangkabut for this weeks. and next and next and the other next week observation still waiting me... here we go... akan ketandusan Idea....!!! just wait lah!!! 

so here I'm too happy got the good news.. for those who read this please "doakan adeknan mendapat yang terbaik dan tergolong diantara yang terbaik" 



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